Core Services

Portfolio Repositioning

Effectively using HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD) requires a firm grasp of the technical requirements and a creative vision to transform a portfolio’s potential. We can help you plan your RAD strategy to ensure a successful application and also plan for the necessary organizational changes to long term effectiveness.

Leveraging Energy Improvement Technologies

Integrating energy improvements into a portfolio repositioning not only serves environmental goals, it can dramatically increase available capital by decreasing operating expenses. Using newly available funding streams such as the Inflation Reduction Act, we can help you determine how to integrate energy technologies into your portfolio planning.

Asset Management Planning

If most of your asset management monitoring is handled on disparate spreadsheets, PSP can help you deliver a comprehensive asset management system. By using your existing data, we can help you develop KPIs, standardized reporting tools, and long-term financial reporting to help your property management partners succeed.

Interim Leadership and Staff Support

An interim leader should not only fill a gap, but reshape the position for the right future leader. PSP can identify your interim needs and fill the role. We then ensure the group's structure is set up for future success.

Property Management Assessments and Turnaround Strategies

Measuring success in property management is more than return on investment or meeting compliance requirements. PSP helps managers develop turnaround strategies to optimize performance. PSP can map out the transition, develop benchmarking metrics, and assess how it’s working.

Business Process and Compliance Systems Improvement

Legacy systems? Redundant processes? PSP can take an objective eye to add, integrate and prune processes to uncover insights not just data. Developing a new system for internal compliance for a new program or portfolio? We can assess your needs, current state and help design and implement a manageable solution.

Project and Technology Implementation

Wondering where to start on implementing a new system solution? Tired of only hearing technology sales pitches but not solutions to your business needs? PSP can define the problem you want to solve, curate options and give input on solutions from an objective view.

Housing Policy and Program Development

PSP can assist localities, foundations and other funders to structure programs and policies in ways that meet the needs of local priorities and underserved residents. With our extensive network of operators, program experts and reform advocates, we can help you craft and evaluate model policies.

Supportive Resident Service Programs

PSP has experience creating partnerships with schools such as the Minneapolis Stable Homes/Stable Schools program; health and housing programs; and resident engagement and wealth building programs. Whether on the operator or funder side, we have successfully aligned outcomes and incentives with housing programs.

Contact us to start a conversation